Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Electrolytic Machining

One of the mainstays of steampunk culture is the fusion of aesthetic design with quality materials. Brass has often been chosen due to it's resistance to corrosion and tensile strength. If you would like to achieve the look of precision etched brass but lack the necessary tools for professional engravery, fear not. In a testament to ingenuity common to the steampunk scene, Mr. Von Slatt of The Steampunk Workshop shows us how to accomplish this task with nothing more than a common inkjet printer, some RootKill, a car battery, and an iron. Learn more with his guide to Electrolytic Engraving. I'm sure he would appreciate a new visitor.


  1. Very interesting and very cool! I liked the idea of putting the brass plates on a moleskin notebook for some more style.

    Keep the posts coming! I might just try to do this myself sometime in the future!

  2. Thats so sick, I absolutely love anything steampunk...gonna have to try this out.

  3. Yeah badass. Followed and morning coffee'd!

  4. Very sleek and stylish.

  5. Awesome. That's a really creative way to make a notebook.

  6. i love it. would want something like that for myself

  7. I'm surprised you can make something actually cool out of brass and those household materials.

    I've always been intrigued by steampunk culture, so I'll follow you for updates.

  8. Looks amazing! Following. Keep it up!

  9. steampunk workshops. this is completely legit. i mean the this community is hidden. they arent so much in the public eye. because in reality if we were to get sent in stoneage. we would live steampunk again.

  10. Might have to see If i can have a go at this! :P thanks for sharing!
